
Artificial Intelligence

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Real AI A Definitive Handbook

Since time immemorial, the human race has been fascinated with what machines could or couldn’t do. The quest for creating intelligence that can surpass human intelligence continues to grow and its coined in a term called “Artificial Intelligence (AI)”.

The term AI though was coined by Mr John McCarthy in 1955, the computer visionary who I am sure would have been glad that his Shakespearean display caught the eye of the researchers around the world as it ranked 4th in the Scopus scholarly database. It’s even fascinating to know that it didn’t appear in the top 10 searches the year before. A spectacular performance. One could relate it to a New blockbuster film opening weekend where it overtakes fading glories. But in the case of AI, it would be fair to say it’s a sequel story. The sequel story is only behind cancer for obvious reasons. (As most researchers/scientist belong to the medical discipline and the cure to cancer remains the last undiscovered El dorado in the field). The other 2 words in the list are two rather newly coined terms Blockchain and Big Data. No surprises here if you are following the technology trends, as all the 3 are linked to AI in some way or another, with a potential to create intelligent and trusted systems in future.

AI is the latest marketing buzzword that is made to find its place in every possible use case – from driverless cars to intelligent chatbots, from robots like Sophia to solving cancer problems, from winning games to providing human like intelligence. But is this current hype real or we have just started scratching the surface of intelligence.

In order to make the distinction on hype v/s reality, let’s go in some basic technical details of AI technology. 

AI stands for artificial intelligence. Its an intelligence system put together artificially to learn and provide an output. Learning can be done by providing data to the AI system. Data can be big data, customer data, unstructured text, audio, visuals, environment surrounding details etc. Based on the data provided, an AI system would learn and identify hidden patterns and provide an output.

For instance, if an AI is recommending what food to order, it must know your food preferences, what you had ordered before, where do you usually order from, what days you usually order specific cuisine and lot of other details to recommend the right cuisine for you. The output can be a list of Top 5 food orders for today.

Similarly if an AI is assisting a doctor for providing options for cancer treatment, the system must have the complete patient medical history, must understand the the complete cancer domain (or the respective specialisation) and also periodically learn any new treatments or findings from medical  journals. Understanding the complete cancer domain is a every complex process, where one needs to train the system to understand the medical terminology and the vast ever growing cancer literature, identify patterns and correlations from existing patients, their suggestive treatments and outcome and finally suggest options for treatment. There can be many more data points and this is a continuous process where system would be trained from the feedback and their outcome. While we keep hearing AI is helping solve cancer cases, this is far from reality and systems have just started to touch the surface.

To make life simpler, just remember the following distinction 

AI can learn, but can’t think“.

Thinking would always be left to Human on how to use the output of an AI system. AI systems and their knowledge would always be boxed to what it has learned, but can never be generalised (like humans) to think outside the domain it has been trained on. Understanding this distinction is very important. Human intelligence with only few set of observations can learn, think and apply their learnings on different domains quite easily.  A simple example would be of a doctor treating cancer patients can give you advice for common cold, but an AI system trained specifically on cancer data, may not even understand what common cold means, leave aside the treatment options. Building a generalised AI system may or may not happen in future. The current focus should be building domain specific intelligence and get it right.

AI can never be a replacement for Human Intelligence. While simple to medium outputs of  AI can be automated to skip an Human expert, the majority of the decision making and critical intelligence would always needs Human intelligence.

While AI is been projected as the next big technology that can transform our world, we are far from away in releasing this vision. You may hear many successful AI marketing strategies, but AI is yet to deliver its true value. AI alone will not lead to transformation, but a combinatorial power of various technologies and advancements in computing power would bring it closer to its true potential.   

Through this book, I plan to provide a realistic view on what AI system can achieve in today’s environment and what to expect in future. I plan to draw the reality and bring you closer to Real-AI. Hence, the book is titled – “Real AI”. 

After going through several iterations on the format of the book, I started writing this book in a Question and Answer format as it provides direct answers to some of the questions the readers would want to know. The book is being written and freely available on my website – The book will cover the following topics –

  • AI Introduction –  Real facts minus the hype.
  • AI chatbots – The not so intelligent chatbots.
  • Recommenders – The race towards personalised recommendations
  • Predictions – The illusion of AI surpassing human intelligence 
  • Computational Creativity – An AI that can paint, sing or dance
  • What’s in future    More buzzwords to keep you busy – The Ethical AI, Explainable AI, Auditable AI and the list would go on..

One chapter of the book  (AI chatbots – The not so intelligent chatbots.) is available now.

The Real AI book is part of our “The Definitive handbook” series. Our vision in the – “The Definitive handbook” series is to enable our readers to understand the technology in simple terms and provide a practical go-to reference and a recipe for building any real-world application using the latest technology.

If you have any questions and comments on the book, please write to me at  You can purchase the book from Amazon at –  (all royalty would go to charity) or download the free copy from

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Artificial IntelligenceBooksFeatured

Real Artificial Intelligence: A Definitive handbook : Preorder available

I am happy to share, our third definitive handbook series book – Real Artificial Intelligence is available for pre order on Amazon.

Our aim in this book is to provide a real view of AI, where it exists today and what we can achieve in future.

Through this book, we plan to answer the following questions in a vendor neutral way –

• If we have all the data, can AI help to build any possible solution?

• Can AI platforms developed for solving quiz, solve cancer problems?

• Does an AI platform learn on its own?

• Can we build Enterprise AI solutions by just using AI, ML and Cognitive services from cloud vendor?

• Is today’s generation of chatbots a glorified version of if–then-else-entity based rules?

• Does a true Investment AI assistant exist today?

• Is general intelligence a reality or myth?

• Is there a recipe to build a successful AI project?

• Will AI ever take away jobs ?

The Real AI book is part of our “The Definitive handbook” series. Our vision in the – “The Definitive handbook” series is to
enable our readers to understand the technology in simple terms and provide a practical go-to reference
and a recipe for building any real-world application using the latest technology.

Real AI would be a series of book. Volume 1 of Real AI, planned to be released in August 2018, would focus on applying AI for computer vision technology using a real-world use case.

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Artificial IntelligenceBooks


While AI means artificial intelligence, we need real implementation rather than marketing intelligence”.

Every one is talking about AI, implementing AI, but where are the tangible results? Barring few players, rest every other news is marketing and the real value of AI is yet to be delivered. There is a clear mismatch between what we can achieve today and what lays ahead in future.

real-aiOur aim in this book is to provide a real view of AI, where it exists today and what we can achieve in future. Through this book, we plan to answer these following questions in a vendor neutral way –

  • If we have all the data, can AI help to build any possible solution?
  • Can AI platform developed for solving quiz, solve cancer problems?
  • Does an AI platform learn on its own?
  • Can we build Enterprise AI solutions by just using AI, ML and Cognitive services from cloud vendors?
  • Is today’s generation of chatbots a glorified version of if–then-else-entity based rules?
  • Does a true Investment AI assistant exist today?
  • Is general intelligence a reality or myth?
  • Is there a recipe to build a successful AI project?


The Real AI book is part of our “The Definitive handbook” series. Our vision in the – “The Definitive handbook” series is to enable our readers to understand the technology in simple terms and provide a go-to reference and a recipe for building any real-world application using the latest technology. The book is planned to be released early next year. If you like to provide topic and suggestions for the book, kindly write to me at

This is our third – “Definitive handbook” series work, the first being – “Enterprise IoT” which got acknowledged as one of the Top Computing book for 2016 by ( and the latest being – “Enterprise Blockchain“.

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ArticlesConferencesDeep LearningFeaturedMachine Learning

Using Generative Adversarial Network for Image Generation – Eclipse Conference

Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is class of deep learning algorithm, comprising of 2 networks – a generator and discriminator, both competing against each other to solve a goal. For instance, for image generation, the generator goal is to generate real like images which discriminator can’t classify as a fake or unreal image. The discriminator goal is to classify real images from fake ones. Initially the generator network would start off from blank images and keep on generating better images after each iteration, up to a point it start generating real like images. The discriminator network would take an input of real images and the images provided by the generator network and classifies the image as real or fake, up to a point where generator start generating real like images which is hard for the discriminator to discriminate.  The same algorithm is being applied in other domains also. However, based on my experiments, lot of optimization need to happen for large image sizes. I had to create a custom generator/discriminator network to work against input size of 128*128 and 256*256 image pixels and lot of iterations to generate real-like images. The training data used was of Indian Bird.

Here is a snippet of my talk on GAN at the Eclipse Summit Conference, which demonstrates the experiment.

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ArticlesArtificial IntelligenceConferencesDeep LearningIOTMachine LearningViews & Opinions

Building Intelligent Connected Products using Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive and Blockchain

Building Intelligent Connected Products using Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive and Blockchain

My technical talk at IoTNext, where I talked about applying intelligence at the edge gateway and cloud. Topics covered – Deep Learning, Computer Vision at the Edge Gateway for security and surveillance, Cognitive IoT – Cognitive Cricket and Connected Car and Security and Trust compliance using Blockchain as a service.

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Artificial IntelligenceDeep LearningMachine Learning

Convolutional Neural Network with Internet of Birds

I am happy to share we are live with Internet of Birds platform.

Internet of Birds (IoB) is the first citizen science platform to identify birds from the Indian subcontinent through the power of Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning and Image Recognition. IoB is a citizen science platform by Accenture Labs in collaboration with BNHS.

Internet of Birds is trained on Indian birds using a Convolutional Neural Network. I will share my findings on building the Internet of Birds platform in a later blog, where i would describe the challenges in building up a generic Image recognition service. The same learnings can be applied to any use cases. The end solution can be accessed as a service over the cloud or at the edge network (for more details listen to my talk on – building connected products – edge gateway and CNN) for real-time decision making using Images as one of the context parameters.

The internet of birds website can be accessed at – Here is the youtube video on IoB –

More news @


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Architecture PatternsArticlesArtificial IntelligenceCognitive ComputingDeep LearningIOTMachine Learning

Cognitive IoT in Sports

Cognitive Internet of Things is about enabling current IoT technologies with human-like intelligence. The end goal is to provide expert advice based on the domains being targeted.  Cognitive IoT can be applied on the edge gateway or in the cloud as part of the solution.

Let’s see how we can apply Cognitive IoT technologies for Sports domain. In  Sports domain, there are actually 3 primarily use case –

  • Learning from an expert/coach (or visually) and improving one’s game
  • Personalization – where all information is personalized to improve a player’s game
  • Continuous learning to keep a player improving his game based on how is he is playing from current and past records.

I will talk about an example of cricket. (I call this as connected cricket -) ).The real value that we want to derive is to enable batsman understand their game better, help them master various batting strokes like cover drive, pull shot etc., analyse their performance continuously to be an expert batsman, for instance what should I do to bat like Sachin Tendulkar.

With respect to a baller, the baller would like to understand how well he is bowling, his speed, his run-up, the way he delivers the ball, spin variations, all these insights can improve his game continuously (so there is a feedback loop) and how similar he is bowling to an expert baller, may be like Ashwin.

So let’s talk about how do you go about realizing it.

  1. Embedded device on cricket ball (without increasing form factor)
  2. Embedded device on cricket bat, pads, gloves
  3. A Connected Stadium.

cogxFor an architecture stack perspective, you have the low powered embedded device  installed inside the ball or embedded as part of the design and manufacturing process, its provides at least 6 Axis combo sensor for accelerometer and gyroscopes reading to identify any movement in 3d space. A Motion SDK is installed on top of the device to identify any movements in general and communicate the reading to the cloud. In cloud, we have the learning model or the training data. Basically, we would ask an expert batsman to bat and play various expert strokes like cover drive etc. and record their movements from sensors (bats/pads etc) as well as visuals (postures etc), this would be used as the training / test data and comparison would be made against it. As we are comparing 3D models, machine learning approaches like dimension reduction can be employed ( and many new innovation approaches) to compare two motion and predict the similarity. Similar training data is captured from an expert baller, along with other conceptual information like hand movements, pitch angles etc.

The feedback is continuously captured and the system provides guidance for improving a player’s game. The player tracks all this information on his mobile and can now look at these insights and suggestions on how he can be an expert in his game. For instance, a player can ask a system “what is takes to master a cover drive like Sachin” and the system analyses the motion information from batting strokes (sensors on bats, pads etc.), visual information (postures etc.), compares it with an expert model and provide an accuracy score and suggestions to improve a players’ game. The key here is that the cognitive system understands the domain and its trained on the domain to provide an expert advice or suggestion.

The same technique and concept can be applied in any game to get cognitive insights.  In future, technology would be a key enabler in Sports.

The following is part of my presentation that I delivered at IoTNext. I will update the article with the youtube video once available.

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Architecture PatternsArticlesArtificial IntelligenceDeep LearningIOT

Applying deep learning and computer vision on the Edge Gateway

Edge gateway is about providing real-time decision making at the edge. In this article, I will talk about how to apply computer vision at the edge for various security and surveillance activities. For instance, you would like to detect suspicious activities at the ATM, simple cases like people wearing helmets and entering the ATM to unusual movements or would like to capture and identify objects in remote areas using Drones like crops length to mining activities. In such scenario, you would need real-time decision making at the edge as it might not make sense to transfer the data over the cloud for processing, be it for latency issues, bandwidth, cost issues or there might be none or very limited connectivity. In this case you employ intelligence at the edge of the devices.

edgegateway-useIn order to build out the solution, you need to employ computer vision algorithms on the edge. You can build this using commercial available API’s or using various open source deep learning framework like Theano, TensorFlow, Café etc.  Deep learning is a branch of machine learning for learning multiple levels of representation through neural networks.  Neural network in image processing, automatically infer rules for recognizing images instead of you extracting thousands of features to detect images.

Various deep learning architectures are available like convolutional neural network, recurring neural network to solve specific problems like computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition and achieves state of the art results.

For Computer Vision, we specially use a CNN network to identify images or use of the pre-trained instance (like Inception model released by Google which is a 22 layers’ deep network which achieves start of the art results for classification and detection for images). For a computer, images are nothing but a vector or set of numbers/pixels. Convolutional Neural Networks learns features automatically using small frames of equal size images and each network gets the same input and interesting pieces are extracted (for more details, please refer to how CNN works).  The extract of interesting pieces (which are again vector of numbers) is the heart of how CNN works. For instance, in case of helmet, some network would learn a round edge, some may learn a glass pane in the front and so on. The idea is irrespective of where the object is in the frame, you should be able to identify to image.

Prior to CNN for image detection, you would need to crop the images and provide area of interest. For instance, if you are detecting various categories of birds, you would usually crop the bird image and remove any surrounding context, like trees, bushes, sea, sky etc and provide the bird image only. With CNN, the idea is to train with those images and let network figure this out (though cropping may help in some cases for increasing accuracy). Based on my experiments, the CNN is able to predict object most of the times which have surrounding context, but with lower accuracy. As mentioned, the idea is to identify objects irrespective of where they are found in the image and I am sure lot of research is going on to improve the CNN networks. Having the right training data (images and label) is a must for training networks with such variations.



On the left hand side, is the stack view of employing deep learning API on the edge gateway. It consists of API, the learning model and the classification service which is used for classification of objects. There are lot of innovations happening to optimize the use of deep learning libraries on the edge.




So how do you go about implementing this. I will talk about one approach of building this out –

  1. Build your own CNN or Start with a pertained CNN network (like an Inception Model)
  2. Get the training and test data (images and labels)
  3. Train or retrain (i.e transfer learning) the network.
  4. Optimize with learning rates, batch size etc. for desired accuracy. Get the trained model
  5. Use the trained model for classification.
  6. Deploy TensorFlow API and trained model on the edge  (you can package this in docker)
  7. Use the classification code on the edge gateway to detect objects.

The following is part of my presentation that I delivered at IoTNext. I will update the article with the youtube video once available.

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ArticlesBooksCognitive Computing

Building Cognitive Solutions – A Definitive Handbook

Let me first start with an introduction on “Cognitive Computing”. Cognitive computing are systems that are designed to make computer’s think and learn like human brain.Similar to an evolution of a human mind from new born to child to an adult, where new information is learned and existing information is augmented, cognitive system’s learn through the vast amount of information fed to it and training on a set of information,so it can understand the context and help in making informed decisions.

For example, if you look at any learning methodology, a human mind learns and understand the context, but its equipped to answer questions in an examination/interview which it might not have seen before, but using the experiences and past learning,a informed judgement can be made. Similarly cognitive systems are modelled to learn from past set of reference data set (or learning) to help users make informed decisions. Cognitive systems can be thought of as a non programming system which learns through the set of information, training, interactions and a reference data set.

From a technology perspective, at a very high level, building a cognitive systems requires technologies that can understand the language,context, entities and relationship (NLP), learn through a set of supervised or unsupervised learning (Machine learning methodology), domain adoption through various techniques, technologies to help source, curate and manage content, runtimes to  build out the components together in a loosely coupled manner and wide variety of  tooling’s and methodology to enable making cognitive applications. I envision most of the cognitive capabilities offered as service over a cloud (a marketplace for cognitive and smart apps) which can be used individually or as a composite to create applications. The key here is domain adaptability, else we are looking at a general purpose AI system, which in my view would not provide precise and accurate suggestions or predictions. Most of the first generation cognitive services are focused on providing API without any provision to train or adapt to use cases. Even if they provide a provision for training and recognizing new terms etc, based on my experiences it doesn’t work out well. For instance, take the example of Google NLP, Watson NLP APIs or any open source NLP framework like standford or Apache NLP, which provides general NLP parsing (based on wikipedia it can recognize common terms etc..), but fails to solve any real use case on its own. The point is you can’t just rely on the bare APIs, you need to build upon it to solve for any real use case. When it comes to solving enterprise solutions,you are looking at precise suggestions at the top and most of AI engines in the market are actually general purpose AI , which fails to get the level of accuracy required from an AI system. Even if you train a general purpose AI, there are “n” number of factors to get the required level of accuracy. I haven’t seen a AI system or design, which is build from the ground up to make it easy for end consumers, enterprises or users to adapt to required use cases.

Through my upcoming book – “Building Cognitive Solutions – A Definitive Handbook”, I would share my experiences on building a cognitive solution, the right way. There are lot of misconceptions on how to build cognitive applications and this would be the first practical guide on building cognitive solutions.

I plan to show a general methodology to build cognitive applications and the recipe to build and end to end cognitive solution. The book would also cover “deep learning” and new approaches to build cognitive solutions. This would follow the same style as my earlier handbook -” Enterprise IoT – A Definitive handbook

I am looking out for contributors/co-author for my book, who are experts on deep learning and would like to contribute and share their knowledge with the wider audience. Kindly reach me at for more details.

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ArticlesMachine Learning

Introduction to Machine Learning

Following is the Wikipedia definition of Machine Learning –

“Machine learning explores the study and construction of algorithms that can learn from and make predictions on data.”

In simple terms, machine learning is how we make computers learn from data using various algorithms without explicitly programming it so that it can provide the required outcome – like classifying an email as spam or not spam or predicting a real estate price based on historical values and other environmental factors.

Machine learning types are typically classified into three broad categories

  • Supervised learning – In this methodology we provide labeled data (input and desired output) and train the system to learn from it and predict outcomes. A classic example of supervised learning is your Facebook application automatically recognizing your friend’s photo based on your earlier tags or your email application recognizing spam automatically.
  • Unsupervised learning – In this methodology, we don’t provide labeled data and leave it to algorithms to find hidden structure in unlabeled For instance, clustering similar news in one bucket or market segmentation of users are examples of unsupervised learning.
  • Reinforcement learning – Reinforcement learning is about systems learning by interacting with the environment rather than being taught. For instance, a computer playing chess knows what it means to win or lose, but how to move forward in the game to win is learned over a period of time through interactions with the user.

Machine learning process typically consists of 4 phases as shown in the figure below – understanding the problem definition and the expected business outcome, data cleansing, and analysis, model creation, training and evaluation. This is an iterative process where models are continuously refined to improve its accuracy.


From an IoT perspective, machine learning models are developed based on different industry vertical use cases. Some can be common across the stack like anomaly detection and some use case specific, like condition based maintenance and predictive maintenance for manufacturing related use cases. For more details on use of machine learning in context of IoT, refer to my book –

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