ArticlesCognitive Computing Watson Content Curation & Ingestion Best Practices by Navveen share The blog contains some of the best practices and guidelines for sourcing and evaluating content for Watson enabled applications. Given read more
ArticlesFeaturedIOTUpcoming technology trends and reviews IOT – Are you connected? by Navveen share It’s 5:30 am in the morning, I have a flight to catch at 7:00 am, I wake up, get ready read more
ArticlesCognitive Computing Sample Watson QA Request Response by Navveen share Here is a sample raw JSON request for Watson Q/A service. {"question" : { "evidenceRequest" : { "items" : 5 read more
ArticlesCognitive ComputingFeaturedUpcoming technology trends and reviews What is Cognitive computing by Navveen share Cognitive computing are systems that are designed to make computer's think and learn like human brain.Similar to an evolution of read more
ArticlesPHP PHP applications using WebMatrix by Navveen share Gone are the days when PHP developers had to turn away business because the clients used Windows Servers. If you read more
ArticlesBPM Configure LDAP with Websphere Lombardi Edition by Navveen share Out of the box, WebSphere Lombardi Edition installation comes configured with a single federated internal repository that provides default groups read more
ArticlesPHP Developing php applications using web matrix by Navveen share WebMatrix is a free web development tool from Microsoft that includes everything you need for web site development. WebMatrix provides read more
ArticlesCloud Computing Spring on Cloud by Navveen share Recently heard the news about the launch of VMWare Spring Source Cloud Foundry: an open source “Platform as a Service” read more
ArticlesPHP Resolving URL file access is disabled in the server configuration by Navveen share I was trying out the simplexml_load_file function for parsing RSS feeds on my hosting server using the following code- $rss read more
ArticlesPHP Parsing XML data in PHP by Navveen share If you are planning to deal with XML data in PHP , for instance parsing an RSS feed or pattern read more