ArticlesCloud Computing Building Production Topology with Google Cloud – Part 2 by Navveen share In this section we would go through the microservices application and deploy the application on the Kubernetes Cluster. Download the read more
ArticlesCloud Computing Building Production Topology with Google Cloud – Part 1 by Navveen share In this article we would go about building the production topology and deploying our microservices application using Google Ingress Controller read more
ArticlesCloud Computing Istio with GKE by Navveen share Istio is open services platform to manage service interactions across containers. Istio basically is implemented as a sidecar proxy, which read more
Architecture PatternsArticlesCloud ComputingDocker Micro Services with Docker (Part 1 – The WHY) by Navveen share Before, I dwell into what is docker and micro services architecture, let's look at the evolution of how applications were read more
Architecture PatternsArticlesCloud ComputingCognitive ComputingIOT IOT Cognitive Systems Architecture by Navveen share Following is a high level view on how I visualize an IOT Cognitive Systems Architecture. The real value of IOT applications read more
ArticlesCloud ComputingCognitive ComputingIOTUpcoming technology trends and reviews Smart Apps, IOT and Cognitive Computing by Navveen share Smart Computing - IOT meets Cognitive Computing A peep in the future of connected world - 1. I step out of read more
ArticlesCloud Computing Spring on Cloud by Navveen share Recently heard the news about the launch of VMWare Spring Source Cloud Foundry: an open source “Platform as a Service” read more
ArticlesCloud ComputingFeatured Introduction to Cloud Computing by Navveen share Cloud computing is an IT computing style that delivers IT services (infrastructure, software, data store and information) in a simplified read more