ArticlesCognitive ComputingIOT Cognitive Computing, IoT and Synergies by Navveen share Let me first start with an introduction on "Cognitive Computing". Cognitive computing are systems that are designed to make computer’s think read more
Architecture PatternsArticlesDockerFeaturedIOT Architecture of a Connected World , IoT and beyond by Navveen share In my last few blogs, I talked about synergy between Cognitive computing and IOT, a high level architecture and how read more
Architecture PatternsArticlesCloud ComputingDocker Micro Services with Docker (Part 1 – The WHY) by Navveen share Before, I dwell into what is docker and micro services architecture, let's look at the evolution of how applications were read more
Architecture PatternsArticlesCloud ComputingCognitive ComputingIOT IOT Cognitive Systems Architecture by Navveen share Following is a high level view on how I visualize an IOT Cognitive Systems Architecture. The real value of IOT applications read more
ArticlesCloud ComputingCognitive ComputingIOTUpcoming technology trends and reviews Smart Apps, IOT and Cognitive Computing by Navveen share Smart Computing - IOT meets Cognitive Computing A peep in the future of connected world - 1. I step out of read more
ArticlesExperimentalFeaturedIOT IoT Experimentation Kit by Navveen share Here are some of the various options by which you can start your experimentation with IoT. 1. Sphero - A bluetooth enabled read more
ArticlesCognitive Computing Invoking Alchemy Face Detection service using JQUERY by Navveen share Here is a sample reference on how to invoke Alchemy Face Detection service using JQUERY. The details were not available on read more
ArticlesIOT IOT – IPhone, Android as a connected device by Navveen share Simplest way to get started with IBM IOT foundation is to use your mobile phone as a connected device with read more
ArticlesCognitive Computing Social Match Making using Watson Personality Insights by Navveen share Lot of information is shared by the user through various social media posts, blogs and opinions. With so much information being read more
ArticlesCognitive Computing Watson Personality Insights Service using PHP by Navveen share Here is a sample reference of using Watson Personality Insight service with PHP. Since this is not readily available as read more